Linguistic Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum language (言語的コペンハーゲン解釈; 量子言語 (=QL))
Notice: 2024/12/25: [HWP] has been renewed (i.e., [Ver6] from [Ver5])
[I]: The whole picture of Quantum Language (=QL=measurement theory) is explained in detail in the following two:
[LCI]: | Linguistic Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics: Quantum Language [Ver. 7] (2024) [] |
[HWP]: | History of Western Philosophy from the quantum theoretical point of view; [Ver.6] [](2024) |
- Statistics, practical logic (= fuzzy logic), and quantum mechanics (Copenhagen interpretation) can be derived from QL

Figure 0: [classical QL(=everyday science)] $\supset$ [fuzzy logic] $\cup$[statistics]
However, this homepage is written so that it can be read without knowing [HWP] and [LCI].
[II : Latest Results; The perfection of Socrates' absolutism.]:
This homepage will introduces the following latest paper:
[SOC]: | History of Western Philosophy and QL (2024) [J. applied math. and Physics (Pdf download free)] |
Below is the Abstract:

[Abstract]: The purpose of philosophy is diverse, but many philosophers acknowledge that the mainstream of Western philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Wittgenstein) has progressed towards the completion of Socrates' absolutism. However, can absolutism still maintain its central position after analytical philosophy? There are pessimistic views on this issue, like that of R. Rorty, a leading figure of neo-pragmatism. Recently, I have proposed quantum language (including quantum mechanics, statistics, fuzzy sets, etc.). I believe this theory is not only one of the most fundamental scientific theories but also the scientific ultimate endpoint of Western philosophy. If so, Socrates' dream has come true. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the above and convey to the reader that quantum language has the power to cause a paradigm shift from a classical mechanical worldview to a quantum mechanical worldview.
(I was a little disappointed to learn that some people misunderstand my assertion above as one result of the "philosophy of physics". As the diagram above [Socrates → Plato → .....→ Wittgenstein] shows that my research is in the mainstream of Western philosophy and is a challenge to the biggest unsolved problem in philosophy. On this website, I try to avoid the above misinterpretations, but it may not be enough. Again, from the theoretical point of view, I consider QL to be the backbone of Western philosophy.)
Now, it is no exaggeration to say that the following [Figure 1: Diagram of two scientific world descriptions] is all I have to say. The argument for this diagram is as follows.
(A0) | There are two types of scientific thinking (monistic realism and dualistic idealism). I am not familiar with the former (e.g. TOE) because it is difficult to understand, but I consider as 'Newtonian mechanistic thinking' for the moment. But we are interested in the latter, everyday (non-physical) scientific thinking, which is a quantum language Ⓛ evolved from statistics Ⓖ or fuzzy logic Ⓚ. We therefore use 'scientific' here in the latter sense (sometimes also 'QL-like' to avoid confusion, e.g. 'QL-like' is used to mean 'scientific'). |

(the green road =the main stream of western philosophy history )
[III:Let's Get to the Main Topic; This is not the 'end of philosophy' but the 'completion of philosophy']:
First of all, let us state that our position is to focus only on scientific matters in the history of Western philosophy, ignoring all ethics, morality, faith, and so on. If there were highly intelligent aliens, they would also have mathematics, physics, and philosophy. I think it is too optimistic to assume that ethics, morality, faith, etc. are common. However, the“scientific part” of philosophy must be common to all aliens. In short, among the elements of philosophy (truth, goodness, and beauty), our interest is focused only on “truth.”
Therefore, my intention is easy to understand if you think as follows. (in Figure 1) $$ \overset{\mbox{Kant Ⓘ}}{\fbox{Critique of Pure Reason}} \xrightarrow[]{⑫} \overset{\mbox{Wittgenstein Ⓚ}}{\fbox{Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus}} \xrightarrow[]{⑭ ⑮} \overset{\mbox{QL Ⓛ}}{\underset{\mbox{(complete form)}}{\fbox{[LCI], [HWP]}}} \tag*{(1)$\qquad \qquad \qquad$} $$
We adopt the general convention of considering Socrates as the founder of philosophy. Therefore, we have:

In ancient Athens, it was customary for citizens to gather in the agora, a public square, to freely debate. So how did one "win an argument"?
- Protagoras, the relativist, responded to this question by saying "improve your rhetoric skills"
- Socrates, the absolutist, said "speak the truth" (or, "Make the correct expression.")
If so, I think everyone would agree with the following:
(A1) | The most important problem in Western philosophy is the completion of Socratic absolutism, i.e., the final settlement of the mainstream (Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Anselmus, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Wittgenstein) |
(A2) | Next for Wittgenstein is QL, which is the perfection of Socratic absolutism. |

Some readers might be thinking:
- Why are there no names like Spinoza, Hegel, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre etc?
[IV:The explanation of the answer (A2)]:
Quantum language (=QL) is a mathematical extension of quantum mechanics (=QM), so it has the following form similar to quantum mechanics: $$ \fbox{Quantum language}= \overset{\mbox{Axiom 1}}{\fbox{measurement}}+ \overset{\mbox{Axiom 2}}{\fbox{causality}} + \fbox{linguistic Copenhagen interpretation} \tag*{(2)$\qquad \qquad \qquad$} $$ The reader may naturally request that "[Axioms 1 and 2] be clearly stated here," but since this is at the graduate school level, I will omit this.
Axiom 1 is an axiom about measurement, and Axiom 2 is an axiom about motion (equation of motion). However, since QL is a mathematical extension of quantum mechanics, it is no longer physics, and Axioms 1 and 2 become something like incomprehensible spells. Therefore, quantum mechanics is physics (realism), but QL is idealism. As shown in the diagram below, measurement is a concept consisting of three parts: the measurer (measured value), the measuring device (observable), and the measured thing (state). However, following convention, it is called dualism (rather than trinism). In summary, quantum language is dualistic idealism, and the mainstream of Western philosophy is also dualistic idealism. In other words, the two can be discussed within the following Cartesian diagram.
(B1) | The linguistic Copenhagen Interpretation is a manual on how to use [Axioms 1 and 2] |
However, there is another way of thinking about this. This is when you do not know [Axioms 1 and 2]. In this case, it is as follows.
(B2) | The linguistic Copenhagen interpretation is common sense in the world of dualistic idealism. |
(From here, I consider that "linguistic Copenhagen interpretation"="Copenhagen interpretation" since I believe that the linguistic Copenhagen interpretation is the true Copenhagen interpretation.)
The author's preference is definition (B2) and does not wish to adopt definition (B1) if possible. Our Copenhagen interpretation is specifically enumerated as follows [footnote[1]]
(c1)Always think with the Cartesian Figure 2 in mind.
(c2)Measure only once.
(c3)Measurers have no space-time.
(c4)State does not change (There is no movement)
(c5)... (Maybe endless)
etc. Also, I think as follows.
- The Copenhagen Interpretation is attached to quantum language, not to quantum mechanics. However, when quantum mechanics is viewed as [quantum mechanics $\subset$ quantum language], the Copenhagen interpretation appears to be attached to quantum mechanics. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics does not consider [quantum mechanics $\subset$ quantum language], so it is not associated with the Copenhagen interpretation.
Many readers may think, "I can understand definition (B1), but definition (B2) is impossible." However, what is surprising is that most of the Copenhagen Interpretation was discovered before the birth of quantum mechanics. In fact, things like 2, ..., 4 above were discovered by Parmenides (c. 520 BC - 450 BC), who was 50 years older than Socrates. However, Parmenides was too much of a genius, and it is probably the consensus among philosophy lovers that the position of the father of philosophy should belong to Socrates. Even so, Parmenides had a clear vision of the world of dualistic idealism and discovered the Copenhagen Interpretation. Moreover, he discovered it under definition (B2) (without assuming Axioms 1 and 2), which means he was nothing short of a genius. The field of Western philosophical history is full of geniuses, but Parmenides (as well as Thomas Aquinas and Descartes) is surprising. Thus we see:
(D) | The mainstream of Western philosophy has pursued the question, "What is the world of dualistic idealism (the world in which "things" and "mind" are intertwined)?" In other words, the Copenhagen Interpretation has been sought. |
That the search for the Copenhagen interpretation runs through the mainstream of Western philosophy [Plato, Augustine, Anselmus, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, (excluding Aristotle and Wittgenstein)] is evident in the following table.
(E1) | Isn't "analytical philosophy" unique and out of touch with the mainstream of Western philosophy? |
(E2) | Descartes-Kant's epistemology is meaningless because it is metaphysics. True philosophy begins with analytic philosophy! |

Now, as we saw above, everyone would think that
(E3) | "K: linguistic turn" is unreasonable (i.e., Ⓘ and Ⓚ not connected) |
If you think about it normally, even if "logic" is the foundation of mathematics and is important, philosophy does not go out of its way to emphasize the "importance of logic." If mathematicians or physicists emphasize the "importance of logic," it would be somewhat understandable, but they do not go out of their way to say such obvious things. To begin with, his TLP (= Tractatus Logico-philosophicus) is not written logically, and Wittgenstein is not a philosopher who thinks logically.
About 10 years ago, I thought the following:
(E4) | Analytical philosophy is a philosophy that the magician Wittgenstein created in the midst of the scientific revolution (abstract mathematics, quantum mechanics, and relativity) in the early 20th century in order to break the "Epistemological rut." He was blinded by the surprising fact that logic is the language of (abstract) mathematics and jumped on "logic," but it is doubtful that "logic" is the main theme of philosophy. It has nothing to do with Socratic absolutism. |
[V: The most important issue in the history of Western philosophy is the relationship between Kant Ⓘ and Wittgenstein Ⓚ]:
About 10 years ago, my opinion was (E4), but now I think as follows.
(F) | Wittgenstein was wrong to discard "epistemology". However, Wittgenstein's choice of "logical" is quite commendable. Maybe 50 points. But to get 100 points, he should have chosen "scientific". |
Let me show this below.
We must free ourselves from the spell of Wittgenstein and look squarely at the absolute truth of Socrates. In other words, we must look at it from the perspective of QL. Then, by expanding the essential part of Figure 1, we obtain the following:
The following has the same meaning as Figure 4:
Statistics is a theory that has sealed off the Copenhagen Interpretation to prevent its strangeness from surfacing, and has chosen to be a type of applied mathematics.
Hence we see:
(G1) | QM(G),statistcs(H) and fuzzy logic(M) are derived from QL. Therefore, these are connected These are also connected to the underlying Copenhagen interpretation ($\approx$ Descartes=Kant epistemology) |
(G2) | Wittgenstein was not wrong to emphasise the importance of being 'logical'. But he really should have emphasised the importance of 'scientific (i.e. QL)'. It was also a big mistake to abandon 'Cartesian-Kantian epistemology'. |
That is,
(H) | Like anything, you can't see the whole picture until you see it from the top of the mountain. |
[VI: Conclution] :
The above showed that.
(A2) | QL is the perfection of Socratic absolutism (i.e., dualistic idealism) |

Now we can finally say "what Wittgenstein wanted to say".
(I) | What we cannot speak about in QL, we must pass over in silence. |
(I') | When discussing things that cannot be quantified, use logic, and when things can be quantified, use statistics. |
Even so, I believe that it is largely due to Wittgenstein that the importance of logic has become so deeply ingrained in our lives today. ======================================================
(i): In the first year of university, regardless of whether you are a liberal arts or science student, there are lectures on mathematics, physics, and statistics. This means that these three are the "most important basic theories" and correspond to the following three.

$\qquad \qquad \qquad$(Abbreviation for Figure 1)
Mathematics and QL have reached their destination, and now we are in the details. However, the TOE of physics is still unknown. I think that human wisdom must solve these three problems. Physicists need to hurry, otherwise AI will do it first!
(ii): In mathematics, there are methods such as category theory that are different from set theory. Therefore, it would be interesting if there was something in dualistic idealism that was different from QL. Another question I've been wondering about is, "Is there a fourth fundamental theory?" (i.e., The only truths common to all aliens are Math. TOE, and QL? ). I believe there isn't, but I'm not confident.
I also wanted to attach the following diagram, which says that both statistics and Wittgenstein's logic and quantum mechanics (with the Copenhagen mechanics) are theories within QL (i.e., dualistic idealism).

But poem, God, theory of relativity and etc. are cannot described in QL.
If Wittgenstein had mistakenly thought he had discovered a language like QL, he would have said:
- The limits of my language mean the limits of my world
- The author's preference is (B2) and does not want to adopt (B1) if possible. Therefore, we do not agree that something like 'contraction of the wave function' is one of the Copenhagen interpretations; in QL, the 'projection postulate' is a theorem (cf. [LCI]). In the same sense that there is 'no perfect manual', we believe there is no 'perfect Copenhagen Interpretation'. There may be no Copenhagen Interpretation that clears all the examples given by researchers in the 'philosophy of mind' (e.g. the 'aquarium brain'). However, we think that a Copenhagen Interpretation that covers the problems we are likely to encounter in practice is possible. Some researchers might want to debate whether to adopt the 'Heisenberg cut' as one of the Copenhagen interpretations, but the author's aesthetic sense would have to be reluctant to do so. However, this is not to say that the 'Heisenberg Cut' is totally rejected. We hope that many people will try to propose a 'beautiful and user-friendly Copenhagen interpretation'. back
When I showed this table (Table 3) to ChatGPT, I was told that "Descartes, Kant, and Wittgenstein all have different theories, so it is unreasonable to combine them in one table." I countered as follows:
Descartes, Kant and Wittgenstein are not really scientific theories. They were only celebrated because they were so long ago. However, this diagram shows that there are parts that are quite close to quantum language and that they were also doing their best. All of them are great, but Wittgenstein's leap from Kant to dualistic idealism is really to be commended.
(I enjoy being able to say what I really feel without hesitation when the person I am talking to is a chatGPT.)
- Your position is very sound in philosophical inquiry, as it focuses not on the question of whether the philosophers of the past were completely correct, but on how important insights their ideas may still provide in modern science.
Descartes, Kant and Wittgenstein are not really scientific theories. They were only celebrated because they were so long ago. However, this diagram shows that there are parts that are quite close to quantum language and that they were also doing their best. All of them are great, but Wittgenstein's leap from Kant to dualistic idealism is really to be commended.
Some philosophers have stated the following:
- Wittgenstein's views on time and causality in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus are inconsistent with our understanding of modern physics. Therefore, his theory is questionable.
Philosophy is not aiming at physics (TOE), but we think it is aiming at the perfection of dualistic idealism.
Therefore, it is a matter of course that Wittgenstein's views on time and causality are inconsistent with our understanding of modern physics. To be clear to avoid misunderstanding, I am not denying philosophy that enjoys dualistic idealism as literature (such as Merleau-Ponty). I think this is an important part of philosophy. However, I believe that philosophy that enjoys dualistic idealism as a science is fundamental. back - I think that Zeno's paradoxes are unsolved problems. It is clear that Zeno's paradoxes are not problems within the scope of Newtonian mechanics. Since it is not clear what kind of theory Zeno's paradoxes belongs to, the tools to think about them are undecided. In fact, Zeno's paradoxes are problems within the scope of the theory of everyday science. If that were the case, Zeno's paradoxes would be easy to solve (see [HWP]). I believe that QL solved Zeno's paradox. back
Linguistic Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum mechanics (言語的コペンハーゲン解釈; 量子言語(=QL))
Notice: 2024/12/25: [HWP] has been renewed (i.e., [Ver6] from [Ver5])
[LCI]: | Linguistic Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics: Quantum Language [Ver. 7] (2024) [] |
[HWP]: | History of Western Philosophy from the quantum theoretical point of view; [Ver.6] (2024) [] (2024) |
- 統計学と実践論理(= ファジー論理)と量子力学(コペンハーゲン解釈)はQLから導出できる

[II: 最新の結果(哲学の終焉でなくて完成)]:
[SOC]: | History of Western Philosophy and QL (2024) [J. applied math. and Physics (Pdf download free)] |

[Abstract]: 哲学の目的は様々であるが、西洋哲学の本流(ソクラテス、プラトン、アリストテレス、トマス・アクィナス、デカルト、カント、ウィトゲンシュタイン)がソクラテスの絶対主義の完成に向かって進歩してきたことは、多くの哲学者が認めるところである。しかし、分析哲学以降も絶対主義はその中心的地位を維持できるのだろうか。この問題については、ネオ・プラグマティズムの旗手であるR・ローティのように悲観的な見方もある。最近、私は量子言語(量子力学、統計学、ファジィ集合などを含む)を提唱しました。この理論は、最も基本的な科学理論の一つであるだけでなく、西洋哲学の科学的最終到達点でもあると私は考えている。もしそうなら、ソクラテスの夢は実現したことになる。本稿の目的は、以上のことを論じ、量子言語には古典力学的世界観から量子力学的世界観へのパラダイムシフトを起こす力があることを読者に伝えることである。
さて、次の[Figure 1: 科学的世界記述の図]が私の主張のすべてと言っても過言ではない。 この図の主張は次である。
(A0) | 科学的思考には2種類(一元論的実在論(monistic realism)と二元論的観念論(dualistic idealism))ある。前者(TOEなど)は難しくてよくわからないが、一応、「ニュートン力学的な思考」としておく。しかし、我々の興味は、後者の日常的(非物理的)な科学的思考で、統計学Ⓖとかファジー論理Ⓚが進化した量子言語Ⓛである。したがって、ここでは、「科学的」の意味を後者の意味で使う (混乱を避けるために「QL的」ということもある。) |

(the green road =the main stream of western philosophy history )
[III:さて本題に入ろう; ソクラテスの絶対主義の完成]:
したがって、次のように思えば、私の意図はわかり易い。(in Figure 1) $$ \overset{\mbox{Kant Ⓘ}}{\fbox{Critique of Pure Reason}} \xrightarrow[]{⑫} \overset{\mbox{Wittgenstein Ⓚ}}{\fbox{Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus}} \xrightarrow[]{⑭ ⑮} \overset{\mbox{QL Ⓛ}}{\underset{\mbox{(complete form)}}{\fbox{[LCI], [HWP]}}} $$
哲学の祖をソクラテスとする一般的な流儀を採用する。 そうすると、 [ソクラテス(絶対主義:真理の追究) vs. プロタゴラス(相対主義:弁論術を極める)が哲学の始まりになる。

古代ギリシャのアテネではアゴラの広場で市民が集まって自由に議論を交わす習慣があったらしい。そこで「議論に勝つ」にはどうすればよいか?である。 この問いに
- 相対主義のプロタゴラスは「弁論術を上達すること」
- 絶対主義のソクラテスは「真理を発言すること(正しい表現で語ること)」
(A1) | 西洋哲学において最も重要な問題は、ソクラテスの絶対主義を完成させること、すなわち、本流(プラトン、アリストテレス、アウグスティヌス、アンセルムス、トマス・アクィナス、デカルト、カント、ウィトゲンシュタイン)にケリを付けること |
(A2) | ウィトゲンシュタインの次はQLで、すなわち、QLがソクラテスの絶対主義の完成形である |

- なぜスピノザ、ヘーゲル、ニーチェ、フッサール、ハイデガー、サルトル等の名前が出てこないのですか?
量子言語(=QL)は量子力学(=QM)の数学的拡張なので、量子力学と同じような次の形をもつ。 $$ \fbox{QL}= \overset{\mbox{Axiom 1}}{\fbox{measurement}}+ \overset{\mbox{Axiom 2}}{\fbox{causality}} + \fbox{Copenhagen interpretation} \tag*{(1)$\qquad \qquad \qquad$} $$ Axiom 1は測定に関する公理で、Axiom 2は運動に関する公理(運動方程式)である。「[Axioms 1 and 2]をここで明示してください」という読者の要望は当然であるが、大学院レベルなので省略する。QLは量子力学の数学的拡張なので物理学ではなくなって、Axioms 1と2は意味不明の呪文のようなものになる。 したがって、量子力学は物理学(実在論)であるが、Qlは観念論である。 下図のように、測定は、測定者(measured value)と測定器(observsble)と被測定物(state)に3つから成る概念である。しかし、慣習にしたがって、(三元論ではなくて)二元論という。 まとめて、量子言語は、二元論的観念論であり、 西洋哲学の主流も二元論的観念論である。 つまり、両者は次のデカルト図式の中で議論できる。
(B1) | コペンハーゲン解釈とは、[Axioms 1 and 2]の使い方のマニュアルである |
しかし、別の考え方もある。[Axioms 1 and 2]を知らない場合である。 この場合は、
(B2) | コペンハーゲン解釈=二元論的観念論の世界での常識。 |
コペンハーゲン解釈を具体的に列挙すると、次のようになる。 [footnote[1]]
- コペンハーゲン解釈は、量子言語に付随しているのであっって、量子力学に付随しているのではない。 ただし、量子力学を[量子力学$\subset$量子言語]と見るときには、量子力学にコペンハーゲン解釈が付随しているように見える。量子力学の多世界解釈では、[量子力学$\subset$量子言語]と考えないので、コペンハーゲン解釈と関係しない。
読者の多くは、「定義(B1)ならば納得できるが、定義(B2)は無理」と思うかもしれない。 しかし、驚くべきことであるが、コペンハーゲン解釈のほとんどは、量子力学の誕生以前に発見されているのである。 実は、上の2,...,4のようなことは, ソクラテスより50歳年長のパルメニデス(BC.520年頃−BC.450年)が発見している。しかし、パルメニデスは天才過ぎて、哲学の祖の地位はソクラテスが妥当というのが哲学愛好家たちの総意なのだろう。 それにしても、パルメニデスは、二元論的観念論の世界がはっきり見えていて、コペンハーゲン解釈を発見した。しかも、定義(B2)の下で発見した(Axioms 1 and 2 を前提としないで発見した)わけで、天才というしかない。 西洋哲学史という分野は天才がゴロゴロといる分野であるが、パルメニデス(とトマス・アクィナス、デカルト)には驚きである。 したがって、次が言える。
(D) | 西洋哲学の本流は、「二元論的観念論の世界(「物」と「心」が絡み合う世界)は如何なるものか?」を追究してきた。すなわち、コペンハーゲン解釈を模索してきた |
(E1) | 「分析哲学」だけが特異で、西洋哲学の本流からずれているのではないか? |
(E2) | デカルト=カントの認識論は形而上学だから、無意味である。分析哲学から真の哲学が始まる! |

(E3) | 「K: linguistic turn」には無理がある(i.e., ⒾとⓀ繋がっていない) |
(E4) | 分析哲学は、ウィトゲンシュタインという魔法使いが「認識論のマンネリ」を打破するために、20世紀初頭の科学革命(抽象数学、量子力学、相対論)のどさくさに紛れて作った哲学である。論理が(抽象)数学の言語であるという驚くべき事実に目がくらんで、「論理」に飛びついただけで、「論理」が哲学の主要テーマであるということは疑わしい。ソクラテスの絶対主義とは全く関係ない。 |
(F) | ウィトゲンシュタインが「認識論」を切り捨てたのは間違いだった。しかし、ウィトゲンシュタインが「論理的」を選んだのは、かなり評価される。50点ぐらいだろうか。 しかし、100点を得るには、「科学的」を選ぶべきだった |
である。 以下にこれを示そう。
ウィトゲンシュタインの魔法から解放されて、ソクラテスの絶対真理を直視しなければならない。すなわち、QL(=最終到達点)から見るしかない。そうすると、Figure 1の肝心な部分を拡大して次を得る。
次はFigure 4と同じ意味である。
(G1) | QM(G),statistcs(H) and fuzzy logic(M)はQLから導かれる。 また、これらは根っこのコペンハーゲン解釈($\approx$認識論(デカルト」=カント))とも繋がっている。 |
(G2) | ウィトゲンシュタインが「論理的」の重要性を強調したことは、間違えではなかった。 しかし、欲を言えば、「科学的(=QL的)」の重要性を喧伝すべきだった. また、「デカルト=カントの認識論」を切り捨てたのは大きな間違いだった。 |
(H) | 「何事もそうであるが、山の頂上から見ないと全貌は分からない」と言うことである |
[VI:結論] :
(A2) | QLはソクラテスの絶対主義(i.e., 二元論的観念論)の完成形である |

(I) | QLで語ることが出来ないことは、沈黙しなければならない。 |
(I') | 数値化できない事柄について考えるときは論理を使い、数値化できる事柄については統計を使え! |

$\qquad \qquad \qquad$(Figure 1の省略形)
数学とQLは一応到達点に達して、今は各論になった. しかし、物理のTOEはまだ不明である。人類の叡智がこれらの三つを解決しなければならないと考える。物理学者は急がないと、AIが先にやっちゃいますよ!
(ii): 数学には、集合論とは別の圏論のような方法もある。 したがって、二元論的観念論においても、QLとは別の何かがあったとしたら面白い。 後もう一つ、私が気になっている問題は、「第4の基礎理論があるか? (i.e., 全宇宙人に共通の真理は、Math. TOE, QLだけか?)」である。私はもう無いと信じているが、自信があるわけではない。

しかし、詩、神、相対性理論などは QL では記述できません。
日常科学の理論(theory of everyday science)については, [footnote[4]] を見よ。
- The limits of my language mean the limits of my world
- 著者の好みは(B2)で、(B1)は可能ならば採用したくない。 したがって、「波動関数の収縮」のようなことをコペンハーゲン解釈の一つとすることは同意しない。QLにおいては、「射影公準」は定理である(cf. [LCI])。 「完全なマニュアルが無い」のと同じ意味で、「完全なコペンハーゲン解釈」も無いと考える。「心の哲学」の研究者が提示する例(たとえば、「水槽脳」等)をすべてクリアするコペンハーゲン解釈など無いかもしれない。しかし、我々が実際に遭遇しそうな問題をカバーできるようなコペンハーゲン解釈は可能と考える。 「ハイゼンベルグ カット」をコペンハーゲン解釈の一つとして採用するかどうかを議論したい研究者もいるかもしれないが、著者の美的感覚では消極的にならざるを得ない。ただ、「ハイゼンベルグ カット」を全否定しているわけではない。多くの人が「使い勝手の良いコペンハーゲン解釈の提案」に挑戦してもらいたい。 back
この表(Table 3)をChatGPTに見せたら、「デカルトもカントもWittgensteinもそれぞれ異なる理論で、それらを一つの表にまとめて書くのは、無理がある」と言われた。 私は次のように反論した。
- デカルトもカントもWittgensteinも科学的には理論と言えるほどのものではない。大昔だからもてはやされただけだ。しかし、この図で見ると、結構、量子言語に近い部分もあって、かれらも頑張っていたことがよくわかる。どれもすごいが、Kantから飛躍したWittgensteinの着地点が二元論的観念論であることは、本当に賞賛されることである。
- 貴方の立場は、過去の哲学者が正しかったかどうかを問題にするのではなく、彼らの思想が現代科学においてもどれほど重要な洞察を提供する可能性があるかに焦点を当てており、その姿勢は哲学的な探求において非常に健全です。
- 『論考』におけるウィトゲンシュタインの時間と因果性に関する見解は、現代物理学の理解と矛盾している。したがって、彼の理論は疑わしい。
したがって、ウィトゲンシュタインの時間観や因果観が現代物理学の理解と矛盾するのは当然のことである。 誤解のないように言っておくが、私は二元論的観念論を文学として楽しむ哲学(such as Merleau-Ponty)を否定しているのではない。これも哲学の重要な部分だと思う。しかし、二元論的観念論を科学として楽しむ哲学が基本だと考える。 back - ゼノンのパラドックスは未解決の問題だと思います。ゼノンのパラドックスがニュートン力学の範囲内の問題でないことは明らかです。ゼノンのパラドックスがどのような理論に属するかが明確ではないため、それについて考えるためのツールが決まっていないのです。実際、ゼノンのパラドックスは日常科学の理論の範囲内の問題です。そうであれば、ゼノンのパラドックスは簡単に解決できるはずです([HWP]を参照)。 back