9.4: Bayesian statistics is to use Bayes theorem
Although there may be several opinions for the question
"What is Bayesian statistics?",
we think that
Bayesian statistics is to use Bayes theorem
Theorem 9.10 [The conditional probability]. Consider the mixed measurement ${\mathsf M}_{\overline{\mathcal A}} \big({\mathsf O}{{=}} $ $ (X \times Y , {\cal F} \boxtimes {\cal G} , H), $ $ {\overline S}_{[{}\ast] }(w) \big)$, which is formulated in the basic structure
\begin{align} [{\mathcal A} \subseteq \overline{\mathcal A} \subseteq B(H)] \end{align}Assume that a measured value $( x, y)$ $(\in X \times Y )$ is obtained by the mixed measurement${\mathsf M}_{\overline{\mathcal A}} \big({\mathsf O}{{=}} $ $ (X \times Y , {\cal F} \boxtimes {\cal G} , H), $ $ {\overline S}_{[{}\ast] }(w) \big)$ belongs to $ \Xi \times Y$ $(\in {\cal F})$. Then, the probability that $ y \in \Gamma $ is given by
\begin{align} \frac{{}_{\overline{\mathcal A}_*} (w, H(\Xi \times \Gamma))_{\overline{\mathcal A}} }{ {}_{\overline{\mathcal A}_*} (w, H(\Xi \times Y))_{\overline{\mathcal A}} } \quad (\forall \Gamma \in {\cal G}) \end{align}Proof This is due to the property (or, common sense) of conditional probability.
In the classical case, this is rewritten as follows.
Theorem 9.11 [Bayes' Theorem( in classical mixed measurement)]. Consider the simultaneous measurement ${\mathsf M}_{\overline{\mathcal A}} \big({\mathsf O}{{=}} $ $ (X \times Y , {\cal F} \boxtimes {\cal G} , F \times G), $ $ S_{[{}\ast] }({w_0}) \big)$ formulated in the classical basic structure $[C_0(\Omega ) \subseteq L^\infty(\Omega, \nu ) \subseteq B( L^2 (\Omega, \nu ) )]$. Here the observable ${\mathsf O}_{12}{{=}} (X \times Y , {\cal F} \boxtimes {\cal G} , F \times G)$ is defined by the simultaneous observable of the two observables ${\mathsf O}_{1}{{=}} (X , {\cal F} , F )$ and ${\mathsf O}_{2}{{=}} (Y , {\cal G} , G)$. That is,
\begin{align} (F \times G)(\Xi \times \Gamma ) = F(\Xi ) \cdot G(\Gamma) \qquad (\forall \Xi \in {\mathcal F}, \forall \Gamma \in {\mathcal G}) \tag{9.10} \end{align} Assume that$(a):$ | a measured value $( x, y)$ $(\in X \times Y )$ obtained by the mixed measurement ${\mathsf M}_{ L^\infty (\Omega ) } \big({\mathsf O}_{12}{{=}} $ $ (X \times Y , {\cal F} \boxtimes {\cal G} , F \times G), $ $ S_{[{}\ast] }({w_0}) \big)$ belongs to $ \Xi \times Y$ $(\mbox{where},\Xi \in {\cal F})$. |
Then, the probability such that "$ y \in \Gamma $" is given by
\begin{align} \frac{{}_{L^1(\Omega )} ({w_0}, H(\Xi \times \Gamma))_{{L^\infty (\Omega ) }} }{ {}_{ L^1(\Omega ) } ({w_0}, H(\Xi \times Y))_{{L^\infty (\Omega )}} } & \Big( = \frac{ \int_\Omega [F(\Xi )](\omega) \cdot [G(\Gamma )](\omega ) \cdot {w_0}(\omega ) \nu(d \omega ) }{ \int_\Omega [F(\Xi )](\omega) \cdot {w_0}(\omega ) \nu(d \omega ) } \Big) \tag{9.11} \end{align} Here,putting$(b):$ | $w_{\rm new}(\omega )= \frac{[F(\Xi)](\omega ) \cdot {w_0}(\omega )}{\int_\Omega [F(\Xi)](\omega ) \cdot {w_0}(\omega ) \nu(d \omega )} $ $(\;\; \forall \omega \in \Omega ) $ |
Remark 9.12 [How to understand Bayes' Theorem] Bayes' theorem 9.11 is usually read as follows.
$(a'):$ | If a measured value $ x$ $(\in X)$ obtained by the mixed measurement ${\mathsf M}_{L^\infty (\Omega ) } \big({\mathsf O}_1{{=}} $ $ (X , {\cal F} , F ), $ $ S_{[{}\ast] }({w_0}) \big)$ belongs to $ \Xi $ $(\in {\cal F})$, then, the following state collapse happens: $$ \underset{\mbox{ pre-state}}{\fbox{${w_0}$}} \xrightarrow[\mbox{ $x \in \Xi$}]{} \underset{\mbox{ post-state}}{\fbox{$w_{\rm new}$}} $$ |
The above (d) superficially contradicts the linguistic interpretation, which says that
\begin{align} \mbox{ "a state never moves".} \end{align}In this sense, the above (d) (or, (d$'$)) (i.e., Bayes theorem) is convenient and makeshift.
Answer 9.13 [Bayes' Theorem (=Problem9.5 and the answer to (c$_2$))]
Asssume that the state space$\Omega=\{\omega_1, \omega_2\}$ is defined by the discrete metric with the following measure $\nu$:
\begin{align} \nu(\{ \omega_1 \})=1, \qquad \nu(\{ \omega_2 \})=1 \tag{9.13} \end{align}Thus, we start from the clasical basic structure:
\begin{align} [C_0(\Omega) \subseteq L^\infty (\Omega, \nu ) \subseteq B(L^2 (\Omega, \nu ))] \tag{9.14} \end{align}in which we consider the mixed measurement ${\mathsf M}_{{L^\infty (\Omega) }} ({\mathsf O} {{=}}$ $ ( \{ W,$ $ B \},$ $ 2^{\{ W, B \} } ,$ $ F) , S_{ [{}{\ast}]}{(w)})$. Here, the observable ${\mathsf O}_{WB} = ( \{ W, B \}, 2^{\{ W, B \} } , F_{WB})$ in $L^\infty (\Omega)$ is defined by
\begin{align} & [F_{WB}(\{ W \})](\omega_1)= 0.8, & \quad & [ F_{WB}(\{ B \})](\omega_1)= 0.2 \nonumber \\ & [F_{WB}(\{ W \})](\omega_2)= 0.4, & \quad & [F_{WB}(\{ B \})] (\omega_2)= 0.6 \tag{9.15} \end{align}Also,the mixed state $w_0 \in L^1_{+1}(\Omega , \nu )$ is defined by
\begin{align} w_0(\omega_1 ) = p, \qquad w_0(\omega_2)=1-p \tag{9.16} \end{align}Then, by Axiom$^{(m)}$1 ( in $\S$9.1), we see
$(a):$ | the probability that a measured value $x$ $(\in \{ W , B \})$ is obtained by ${\mathsf M}_{{L^\infty (\Omega) }} ({\mathsf O} {{=}}$ $ ( \{ W,$ $ B \},$ $ 2^{\{ W, B \} } ,$ $ F) , S_{ [{}{\ast}]}{(w)})$ is given by |
[$W^*$-algebraic answer to Problem 9.5(c$_2$) in $\S$9.1.2]
Since "white ball" is obtained by a mixed measurement ${\mathsf M}_{L^\infty (\Omega)}({\mathsf O}, S_{[*]}(w_0))$, a new mixed state $w_{\rm new} (\in L^1_{+1}(\Omega ))$ is given by
\begin{align} w_{\rm new} (\omega) & = \frac{ [F(\{ {{W}}\} )]( \omega) w_0 ( \omega)}{\int_\Omega [F( \{ {{W}}\} )](\omega) w_0(\omega) \nu(d \omega )} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \frac{\displaystyle 0.8 p }{\displaystyle 0.8p+0.4(1-p) } \qquad & (\mbox{when }\omega=\omega_1) \\ \\ \frac{\displaystyle 0.4(1- p) }{\displaystyle 0.8p+0.4(1-p) } \quad & (\mbox{when }\omega =\omega_2 ) \end{array}\right. \end{align}[$C^*$-algebraic answer to Problem 9.5(c$_2$)in $\S$9.1.2]
Since "white ball" is obtained by a mixed measurement ${\mathsf M}_{L^\infty (\Omega)}({\mathsf O}, S_{[*]}(\rho_0))$, a new {mixed state} $\rho_{\rm new} (\in {\mathcal M}_{+1}(\Omega ))$ is given by
\begin{align} \rho_{\rm new} & = \frac{ F(\{ {{W}}\} ) \rho_0 }{\int_\Omega [F( \{ {{W}}\} )](\omega) \rho_0(d \omega )} = \frac{\displaystyle 0.8 p }{\displaystyle 0.8p+0.4(1-p) } \delta_{\omega_1} + \frac{\displaystyle 0.4(1- p) }{\displaystyle 0.8p+0.4(1-p) } \delta_{\omega_2} \end{align}Now、 you may ask What is Bayesian statistics? This is answered:
In most cases, it suffices to consider that