4.3.3: Without the average value coincidence condition
Thus someone may conclude that the above [I] and [II] includes a paradox, and therefore, EPR-experiment is in contradiction with Heisenberg's uncertainty relation. Of course, this is a misunderstanding. Now we shall explain the solution of the paradox.
[Concerning the above [I]] Put $H= L^2 ({\mathbb R}_{q})$. Consider two-particles system in $H \otimes H = L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})})$. In the EPR problem, we, for example, consider the state $u_e$ $({}\in H \otimes H = L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})}))$ $\Big($or precisely, $| u_e \rangle \langle u_e | \Big)$ such that:
where $\epsilon$ is assumed to be a sufficiently small positive number and $\phi(q_1 , q_2{})$ is a real-valued function. Let $A_1{}\! : L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})}) \to $ $L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})}) $ and $A_2 \!: L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})}) \to $ $L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})})$ be (unbounded) self-adjoint operators such that
Then, Theorem 4.15 says that there exists an approximately simultaneous observable $(K, s, \widehat{A}_1, \widehat{A}_2)$ of $A_1$ and $A_2$. And thus, the following Heisenberg's uncertainty relation (= Theorem 4.15) holds,
[Concerning the above [II]], However, it should be noted that, in the above situation we assume that the state $u_e$ is known before the measurement. In such a case, we may take another measurement as follows: Put $K={\mathbb C}$, $s=1$. Thus, $(H \otimes H ) \otimes K= H \otimes H$, $u \otimes s=u \otimes 1 = u $. Define the self-adjoint operators ${\widehat A}_1{}: L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})}) \to $ $L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})}) $ and ${\widehat A}_2: L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})}) \to $ $L^2 ({\mathbb R}^2_{(q_1 , q_2{})})$ such that
[[I] and [II] are consistent] The above conclusion (4.43) does not contradict Heisenberg's uncertainty relation (4.38), since the measurement $(\sharp)$ is not an approximate simultaneous measurement of $A_1$ and $A_2$. In other words,
the $(K,s, \widehat{A}_1, \widehat{A}_2 )$ is not an approximately simultaneous observable of $A_1$ and $A_2$. Therefore, we can conclude that
Under a certain interpretation such that
${ \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_1}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} $
${ \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_2}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} $
can be respectively regarded as "error $\epsilon (A_1,u)$"
"disturbance :$\eta (A_2,u)$",
the iequality (4.45), that is,
\epsilon(A_1, u ) \eta( A_2, u )
\epsilon(A_1, u ) \sigma( A_2, u )
\sigma( A_1, u ) \eta( A_2, u )
| \langle u ,
[A_1,A_2] u \rangle |
is called
Ozawa's inequality.
the term "disturbance"
can not be used in the linguistic interpretation
S. Ishikawa, arXiv:1308.5469 [quant-ph] 2014
Now we have the complete form of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation as Theorem 4.15, To be compared with Theorem 4.15, we should note that the conventional Heisenberg's uncertainty relation (= Proposition 4.10) is ambiguous. Wrong conclusions are sometimes derived from the ambiguous statement (= Proposition 4.10). For example, in some books of physics, it is concluded that EPR-experiment, or, see the following section conflicts with Heisenberg's uncertainty relation.
That is,
On the other hand, some may consider that
${\rm [I]:}$ Heisenberg's uncertainty relation says that the position and the momentum of a particle can not be measured simultaneously and exactly.
${\rm [II]:}$ EPR-experiment says that the position and the momentum of a certain " particle" can be measured simultaneously and exactly ( Also, see Note4.3.)
And moreover, we can easily calculate as follows:
\| {\widehat A}_ 1 {u_e}
-A_1 {u_e} \|
\iint_{{\mathbb R}^2}
(({}b- q_2{}) - q_1{})
\frac{1}{{{ 2 \pi \epsilon \sigma} }}}
e^{ - \frac{1}{8 \sigma^2 } ({}{q_1 - q_2} - {a} {})^2
- \frac{1}{8 \epsilon^2 } ({}{q_1 + q_2} - {b} {})^2
e^{ i \phi({}q_1 , q_2{}) }
dq_1 dq_2
\iint_{{\mathbb R}^2}
(({}b- q_2{}) - q_1{})
\frac{1}{{{ 2 \pi \epsilon \sigma} }}}
e^{ - \frac{1}{8 \sigma^2 } ({}{q_1 - q_2} - {a} {})^2
- \frac{1}{8 \epsilon^2 } ({}{q_1 + q_2} - {b} {})^2
dq_1 dq_2
{\sqrt 2} \epsilon ,
\| {\widehat A}_2 {u_e}
- A_2 {u_e} \|
= 0.
Thus we see
\| {\widehat A}_1 {u_e}
- A_1 {u_e} \|
\| {\widehat A}_2 {u_e}
- A_2 {u_e} \|
= 0.
However it should be again noted that, the measurement $({}\sharp{})$ is made from the knowledge of the state $u_e$.
$(\sharp):$ we can take an exact simultaneous measurement of ${\widehat A}_1$ and ${\widehat A}_2$ (for the state $u_e$).
$(F):$ Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is violated without the average value coincidence condition
Also, we add the following remark.
$\fbox{Note 4.3}$ Some may consider that the formulas (4.40) and (4.41) imply that the statement [II] is true. However, it is not true. This is answered in Remark 8.15.
the linguistic interpretation
says that
4.3.3: The cases without the average value coincidence condition
This web-site is the html version of "Linguistic Copehagen interpretation of quantum mechanics; Quantum language [Ver. 4]" (by Shiro Ishikawa; [home page] )
PDF download : KSTS/RR-18/002 (Research Report in Dept. Math, Keio Univ. 2018, 464 pages)
Remark 4.16 Calculating the second term (precisely , $\langle u \otimes s,$"the second term"$(u \otimes s) \rangle$) and the third term (precisely , $\langle u \otimes s,$"the third term"$(u \otimes s) \rangle$) in (4.25), we get, by Robertson's uncertainty principle (4.19),
2 {\overline \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_1}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}}
\cdot \sigma(A_2;u)
|\langle u \otimes s, [{\widehat N}_1, A_2 \otimes I](u \otimes s) \rangle|
2 {\overline \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_2}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} \cdot \sigma(A_1;u)
|\langle u \otimes s, [A_ \otimes I, {\widehat N}_2](u \otimes s) \rangle |
\qquad ( \forall u \in H \mbox{ such that } ||u||=1)
and, from (4.25),(4.26), (4.43),(4.44), we can get the following inequality
& { \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_1}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} \cdot { \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_2}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}}
+{ \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_2}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} \cdot \sigma(A_1;u)
+{ \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_1}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} \cdot \sigma(A_2;u)
{\overline \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_1}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} \cdot {\overline \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_2}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}}
+{\overline \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_2}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} \cdot \sigma(A_1;u)
+{\overline \Delta}_{\widehat{N}_1}^{{\widehat{\rho}_{us}}} \cdot \sigma(A_2;u)
| \langle u ,
[A_1,A_2] u \rangle |
\quad ( \forall u \in H \mbox{ such that } ||u||=1)
Since we do not assume the average value coincidence condition, it is a matter of course that
this (4.45) is more rough than Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (4.34)